Born in Granollers (July 16 1946)
Theater director
Degree in Law (University of Barcelona)
Doctorate in art history ( University of Barcelona)
Associate professor at the Geography & History and Art department (University of Barcelona)
Headmaster of the ESART high school.
Became a member of the Faculty of Rights at the University of Barcelona where I took part in the formation of the University Theater group ( T E U ) of the referred faculty, participating in diverse modules in the following : “ Asalto nocturno “ by Alphonse Sastre; “ Noches blancas “ by F. Dostoyewski; “ Poetas del 27 “, comprising a number of poets of this generation.
Participated as an actor, assistant to the director and coordinator to the south of Spain representing “ Los títeres de cachiporra “ by F. García Lorca and “ Tres entremeses “ by Cervantes. This was organized for the Servicio Universitario del Trabajo and occurred in the months of July and August in various communities throughout the province of Jaén, each day in a different community.
Initiated the studies of direction and interpretation in the Escola d´Art Dramàtic Adrià Gual ( EADAG ) of Barcelona.
Participated in a small role in the film “ Noches de vinto tinto “ with the guidance and direction of José Mª Núnes.
Continued with my studies and with TEU, while participating in the productions of: “ El matrimonio del Sr. Missispi “ by F. Durrenmat; “ Un sabor a miel “; “ Muertos sin sepultura “ by J.P. Sartre; “ Los cuernos de Don Friolera “ by R.M. Del Valle Inclan.
Involved in the democratic student movements, obligated to military service in Cueta, and for this reason, the theatrical and university activities were interrupted.
Terminated the studies of direction and interpretation with the EADAG and followed with the school company “ Taller de fanatasía “ de J.M. Benet i Jornet that performed at the Teatro Romea de Barcelona.
Became involved with the discipline of Corporal Expression with EADAG, while continuing with my studies.
As a professor with EADAG, I assisted with the formation of the direction team at the Teatro Nacional de Barcelona under the direction of Ricard Salvat. Colabora; “La filla del mar “ by Angel Guimerà; “ El caballero de Olmedo “ by Lope de Vega and “ El tuerto es rey ”.
Aided in the direction of “ El soldado fanfarrón “ by Plauto and directed “ El lindo Don Diego “ by A. Moreto, modified for the younger public.
Participated in various courses of Corporal Expression.
1972 – 1.972
Obtained a license and organized various theatrical commercial works in numerous theaters of Barcelona.
Not satisfied with the commercialized experience, methods of expression more closely related to the investigation and the hazard were sought, organizing, leading and programming el Primer Cicle de Teatre Independent Centenari Adrià Gual in the Antiga Capella of Hospital de la Santa Creu where the Comediants group performed and staged such authors as: Fernando Arrabal, Kafcka, Wesker or Maquiavelo, at a time that they performed a cycle of cinematographic projections under the theme.: “ The original version of theatrical experiments “.
The restlessness for the investigation led to the creation of a company, composed commercialized situations to find a more natural concept of theater as a more independent alternative.
This started with the modification of the productive systems of the theater in Barcelona, within the line of creation and situated within the parameters of the before mentioned investigation, working intensively of the professionalization of the independent theater.
In June, the founding of the company GRUP A 71 in the Teatro Español de Barcelona, “ Descens a la superficie interior, trés “ by Manuel de Pedrolo, a spectacle formed for the presentation of three short plays which presented dramatic art.
In October, with the same company in el Saló del Tinell de Barcelona, “ La farça dels metges “ created for the plays of Moliere “ El metge per força “ and “ L´amor metge “ including some texts by Jaume Vidal Alcover and our own dramaturgy.
A performance in front of the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona professional board.
The catalane translation by Joan Argenté of Ionesco “La lliçó “ was performed by the GRUP A 71 in el Teatro Español de Barcelona at a Spanish banquet.
Performed the “ Taller de Comedies “ from Manuel de Pedrolo “ Pell vella al fons del pou “ for TVE.
The debut of Pedrolo “ Mixtura indiscretanment mòbil “, comprised of his various plays and the addition of personal dramaturgy at a banquet for Catalunya.
The artistic direction for TVE of Ionesco “ La lliçó “.
The debut of E. Albee “ Besties de mar “ in Ciutadella (Menorca), translated into Catalan by Terenci Moix.
Active participation in the associative movement of spectacle professionals. Active participation in the negotiations and the editing of the Covenio Colectivo de Actores y Directores de Barcelona.
Set aside the study of law to dedicate energies exclusively to the theater.
Led and accomplished a collective creation by GRUP A 71 titled “ Pitarrades “ which followed the life and the writings of Frederic Soler, in a musical comedy of the history of Catalunya. Debuting in June in La Cova del Drac de Barcelona.
By request, el Institut del Teatre de Barcelona commissioned a proposal to benefit the theater of Catalunya.
Began a course of Theatrical Production in the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona.
In February, for a number of Catalan schools, GRUP A 71 performed “La carroça d´argila” by Aldo Giovanetti.
In June, Serafi Pitarra “ Don Jaume el Conqueridor” was directed with the aid old Adrià Gual in the Teatro Barcelona.
In October, the presentation of J.M. Muñoz Pujol “Antigona” by GRUP A 71 in the Teatre Lliure de Barcelona.
The conversion of old Regina cinema to theater due to the necessity to establish the works regarding production and exhibition.
La Trepa company performs the children’s spectacle “La Dragonera” at the Greek Festival.
Participate in the Consell Assesor de Teatre de la Generalitat Provisional de Catalunya.
Begin diverse courses of corporal expression with the Area de Joventut del Ajuntament de Barcelona in various Civic Centres throughout the city.
Inauguration into the Teatre Regina for the cooperative effort of GRUP A 71.
Lead the Greek Festival in July with “Les juguines olbidades” with La Trepa company.
In October, a performance of “ Misteri de dolor “ by Adrià Gual under the direction of Ricard Salvat at the Festival Internacional de Teatre de Sitges with La Trepa company.
Lead and program the Teatre Regina, bringing to the stage a compromising line with the investigation and the collaboration forming new routes for the theatrical proposal of Barcelona.
Between 1980 and 1988, there has been more than one hundred titles performed, more than two thousand representations and more than three hundred thousand spectators.
The programation has included many disciplines of the stage such as, the theater, contemporary dance, poetry, music and has given way for creators with investigation and innovation using alternative proposals and personalized texts. These may include the works of such authors as: Kafka, Faswinder, Kroetz, Ionesco, Dario Fo, A. Jarry, Maquiavelo, M. Sdherman, Garcia Lorca, Albee, Ibsen, N. Dunn, Beckett, Maeterlinck, Pedrolo, J. Oliver, A. Gual, Rusiñol, Horovitz, Shakespeare, Süskind, J.P. Shanlley…
Continue programming and leading el Teatre Regina, participate in the organization of theatrical activities with the motivation of the Fiestas de la Mercé, sponsored by the Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Separate from GRUP A 71, join GESTIO CULTURAL S.A., a business to promote the Teatre Regina and the artistic director.
New collaboration with the Ajuntament de Barcelona and introduce the Plan de Dinamización Cultural de la Ciudad, beginning work in the Area de Cultura, a job that unites it with the Teatre Regina.
Assist in a course of Cultural Action in the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona.
Presentation of Manuel de Pedrolo “ L´us de la matèria “ at the Teatre Regina.
Named the Director of theater services and the Cultural Diminuation of the Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Organize the Greek Festival 84.
Assist in a course of Cultural Action in the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona.
Continue as Director of Services for the Ajuntament de Barcelona and organize the Greek Festival 85.
Named Director General del Espai Escénic Municipal Mercat de les Flors, centre of exhibition and theatrical production in a multidisciplinary capacity that opens new trends of structural characteristics that allows less traditional formats and incorporates to the international circuit innovative proposals to the stage. This does not compromise the tradition nor the values of the universal dramaturgies.
Conduct the Mercat de les Flors and present in Barcelona to Peter Brook, Pina Baush, La Cuadra de Sevilla, La Fura dels Baus, Comediants, Lindsay Kemp, Berliner Ensemble, Trisha Brown, Lluis Pasqual, Adriane Mnouchkine, Karole Armitage, Vittorio Gassman, Tadeusz Kantor, Mathilde Monier, Sussanne Linke…
Leave the direction of Mercat de les Flors and create Animación del Ocio S.A., dedicated to the action and programation of unconventional intervals dedicated to culture and diversion.
Lead Animación del Ocio and present a spectacle for el Pueblo Español de Montjuic de Barcelona, away from the traditional vision over a period of more than two years.
Gives curses of Theatrical Production for: Ministerio de Cultura, Institut del Teatre de Barcelona, Expo 92 de Sevilla, Escuela de Tecnología del Espectáculo, Centre d´ Estudis i Recerques Culturals de la Diputació de Barcelona (CERC).
Dedicate time to the gives courses of Theatrical Production and Action as well as the framework for the stage arts, for various institutions. Start intensive task of investigation in the scope of theatrical planification, action, production and political culture.
Gives courses of Production and Action in the stage arts for: Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Madrid (RESAD), Institut del Teatre de Barcelona, Escuela de Tecnología del Espectáculo de Madrid and CERC de la Diputación de Barcelona.
In June, named Assesor per les Arts Escéniques de l´ Area de Cultura del Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Fulfils the study: “Para unas bases de la política municipal en las Artes Escénicas.”
Assigned as Module Coordinator and teacher of a Masters course in Cultural Management for the Performing Arts at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Continues as Assessor of Performing Arts, as a teacher of a Masters in Cultural Management and gives courses of Production and cultural management at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona and at the CERC de la Diputació de Barcelona.
Studies courses pertaining to a Doctorate in Art History at the Universidad de Barcelona, and starts working on a thesis on “ La planificació Teatral a Barcelona .
Named the new Director of the Teatre Mercat de les Flors del Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Due to a change in the theatrical scenario of the city during this new phase, an adaptation of numerous innovations has taken place. The Mercat de les Flors becomes a starting point for local creators, as an opportunity for all types of proposals, focusing on international productions pertaining to the different ways of understanding the world.
Develops new programs to attract new spectators and stimulate students to appreciate the theater.
Increases the number of productions and co-productions as a basic part of the program.
This phase sets out to consolidate the project of El Mercat de les Flors, focusing its activity on becoming an influential force in the theatrical society of Barcelona.
Continues as the Director of El Mercat de les Flors, and directs “ La dama del mar” by Ibsen.
Continues as Director of El Mercat de les Flors and takes part in the “Pla Estratègic de Barcelona per les Arts i la Cultura” as coordinator of the department of Performing Arts, promoted by the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona.
Continues as Director of El Mercat de les Flors.
During this time more than one hundred and seventy plays take place, seventy of which are international plays with an approximate attendance of three hundred thousand. Works include: Schiller, Marivaux, Voltaire, Brecht, Sofocles, Valle-Inclan, Shakespeare, Duras, Genet, Koltes, Sondheim,Txekhov, Ibsen, Pinter, Goldini, Pirandello, Garcia Lorca, Lope de Vega…
The following have taken part in the above mentioned works: Lluis Homar, Calixto Bieito, S. Puracarete, Mario Gas, Carles Santos, La Fura dels Baus, Salvador Távora, Teatre Lliure, Gennadi Korotkov, H. Pinter, Juni Dahr, Hanna Shygulla, Sergi Belbel, Royal Shakespeare Company, Josef Nadj, Toni Cafiero, Cheek by Jowl, Ronconi, Lavaudan, Ricard Salvat, Cipe Lincovsky, Teatro de la Abadia, Philippe Genty, Vassiliev, Federico Lupi,…
Expands El Mercat de les Flors beyond the european circuit while establishing colaborations with Robert Lepage in Québec, with the Teatro América de La Habana, with the Teatro San Martin de Buenos Aires and with Familia Producciones de Túnez.
Named a member of the Comisión Ejecutiva de la Red Española de Teatros Públicos Auditorios y Circuitos Autónomos.
Directs together with students from the Institut del Teatre de Terrassa “Sóc el defecte” by Manuel de Pedrolo.
Gives a course on Theatrical Production at the Escuela de Técnicos del Espectáculos de la Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona.
Awarded by the Egiptian Cultural Ministery and by Internacional Festival of Cairo, for his development and contribution to the new scenic languages research.
Nominated President of Asociación Cultural Red de Teatros, Auditorios y Circuitos de titularidad pública de España.
Takes part in the internacional symposium “El Marketing del Espectáculo”, in Madrid during the month of May.
Form master in the Cultural Management Master of Universitat Pompeu Fabra, “Projectes simulats”.
Continues as the Director del Mercat de les Flors and becomes member of the commitee comissió that makes the “Plan General de Teatro” of Ministerio de Educación i Cultura.
Takes part in the Internacional Symposiumof Scenic Arts Management in Madrid, in June, and in the International Conference of Scenic Arts Teaching, organised in Bilbao, in September by the University of pais Vasco.
Nominated Vice-president of Associació d’Investigació i Experimentació Teatral.
In July leaves the direction of Mercat de les Flors.
Nominated Maneger of Consorci de la Ciutat del Teatre.
Manager of Ciutat del Teatre.
Directs “Soc el defecte” by Manuel de Pedroso. Premier in Espai Brossa of Barcelona.
Nominated Director of Festival Castell de Peralada.
Directs “Interior anglès” by Jordi Coca. Premiere in Sala Muntaner of Barcelona.
Directs “La Lección” by E. Ionesco. Premiere in Sala Pequeña del Teatro Español of Madrid.
Nominated President of “Associació d’Actors i Directors Professionals de Catalunya”.
Named a member of the Consell d’Administració del Teatre Nacional de Catalunya.
Directs “Dani y Roberta” (“Danny and the deep blue sea”) by John Patrick Shanley. Premiere Sala Pequeña del Teatro Español de Madrid.
Council Director ESART.
Director Escola Universitaria ESART Campus Internacional de le Arts Escèniques, Mùsica i Imatge.
Directs of “Historias sense fronteres” dramaturgy
Jordi Coca a l’Espai Francesca Bonnemaison of Barcelona.
Stage direction d'”Antigona” Dramaturgy J.M.Gual on texts by Josep Mª Muñoz Pujol; Jordi Coca; Jordi Voltas. Teatre Regina of Barcelona.